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Jesus Christ, the wall between the man and God:
1: Matthew 10:33 Jesus said: "But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven."
2: John 14:6 Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by me."
3: John 8:56-58 Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am". Then they took up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and left the temple. The response of the Jews to the "I am" of Jesus clearly indicates that they understood what he was declaring, is wanted equate God. The same Bible says, beware with the one who says "I am", because he is not, and their judgment is nigh, and their words will be used for trial by the Lamb of God, and God. God is jealous, and is unmatched; his unique name is "God". You reading the Bible and believe in a God of love, peace and good intentions, if you read the New Testament and you find phrases like those of Christ, do not fear, do not listen to those words were not spoken by God to you. Honor and adore the only God that exists, that he sees us from heaven, who wants the best for all of us, who loves you, cares for you, guide you, enlightens you, that which has neither face nor image; God's spirit. Do not let them depart from the law of JEHOVAH (Exodus 20: 1-17). These and other details there to talk with you, many gradually in time God will leave talking. "They can say you: "Do not listen to those things". But you shalt ignore them, because God already has revealed this to you; and your soul has seen the light, and has been released from bondage".
God does not want glory, he wants the best for man, a healthy development and happiness, which is so important to him. In the New Testament, the disciples of Jesus intimidating people with life, they tell them about a final, (Revelation), and trying to make the man believe that Christ is the only salvation (John 14: 6), and if they do not worship, believe, or bow to him, they can not save their lives; to bring them to be at the feet of Christ and worship him, also using the name of God; and this is how supposedly they fish to the men. Do you think God allows evil think? Do you think God allows things like this forever? Of course not. "For the time of the Lord, everything that is evil, and thus away from his law, has an end". These men or disciples, judge, speak of a God who never saw, names, and sometimes even offend people calling them dogs, which they say will not enter the kingdom of God and who comes and who goes is something they do not have the power to decide, however God does. How many souls have been seeking shelter, love, warmth, wisdom and answers to the churches and ended up worshiping a Christ kneeling?, why?, because it is what they wanted, have the world at they feet. But all that is evil has its end, and to God what is right is welcome, and therefore enjoys the right with his people, who for God, we all are.
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Historia Del Dibujo
El dibujo es una forma de expresión gráfica, podemos denominarlo como la base fundamental de todas las artes plástica. El dibujo es considerado como el lenguaje gráfico universal. Según las estadísticas, los primeros dibujos conocidos se remontan a la prehistoria; las pinturas rupestres de la Cueva de Altamira son unos de los ejemplos más antiguos donde el ser humano plasmó en los techos y paredes de las cavernas lo que consideraba importante transmitir o expresar (usualmente actividades relacionadas con su forma de vida y entorno).
De las primeras civilizaciones perduran escasos ejemplares de dibujos, normalmente, por la fragilidad del material en el que fueron ejecutados, o porque eran un medio para elaborar pinturas posteriormente, siendo recubiertos con capas de color. Las culturas de la Antigua China, Mesopotamia, "El Valle Del Indo", o "El Antiguo Egipto", nos han dejado muestras claras de ello, ideando los primeros cánones de proporciones, como sucedió parecido también en la Antigua Grecia y Roma. En la Edad Media, se utilizó profusamente el dibujo, generalmente coloreado, para representar sobre pergaminos temas religiosos a modo de explicación o alegoría de las historias escritas, privando así lo simbólico sobre lo realista.
Es en el Renacimiento (entre los siglos XV y XVI) cuando el dibujo eclosiona. Por primera vez se estudia el método de reflejar la realidad con la mayor fidelidad posible, con arreglo a normas matemáticas y geométricas impecables: con Filippo Brunelleschi surge la perspectiva cónica. El dibujo, de la mano de los grandes artistas renacentistas cobra autonomía, adquiriendo valor propio en autorretratos, planos arquitectónicos y variados temas realistas - como los de Miguel Angel y Leonardo da Vinci -, además de seguir sirviendo como estudio previo imprescindible de otras artes, como la pintura, escultura, o arquitectura.
Interesante: ¿Sabías que el lápiz fue inventado por Nicolas Jacques Conté?, un pintor,
militar y aeronauta francés. Napoleón le llamó: "Un Hombre Universal."